B. Best Friend? I can’t really just pick one. I have a few.
C. Cake or pie? Cake fo-sho. I don’t really like pie, I love fruit raw and by itself but not really cooked and with other things…I’m weird. The way I see it, if I’m gonna eat a lot of calories like that I might as well waste in on chocolate rather than fruit.
D. Day of choice? Thursday for the fact that it’s the day before Friday and because it’s when The Office is on.
E. Essential item? It’s a three way tie between my cell phone, my car and my ipod. Without my cell phone I’d be far away from my friends (isn’t that sad how a cell phone is your lifeline to your friends?), without my car I’d get super bored (I live in the country) and probably go crazy from not seeing anybody, and without my iPod I’d have no music in my life and that would be quiet and lame.
F. Favorite color? Grayish/Tealish/Turquoise-can you picture it?
G. Gummy bears or worms? Worms.
H. Hometown? Well I was born in Syracuse, NY and raised in Penn Yann, NY; Wooster, OH; Melbourne, Australia; and Marysville, OH – but I’ve lived the longest in Marysville (and I currently live there) so which of those is my “hometown”?
I. Favorite indulgence? Oh jeez…hmmm…buying a really expensive dessert at a restaurant and massages. Ooh and when people play with my hair…I fall into a blissful sleep. Aaahhh.
J. January or July? January-I love snow and hate summer
K. Kids? I like them, not ready for them yet but I’d like to have a few someday. Right now I’m enjoying my 5 month old niece…she’s my “baby fix” for now. Again I refer to the first question, I’m too selfish to be a mum right now, I like to be able to do things on a whim and have time to do what I want…not good qualities in motherhood.
L. Life isn’t complete without? Friends, family, movies and music. Oh and my camera.
M. Marriage date? Sometime in the distant future I’m sure (see “A” and “K”)
N. Number of brothers and sisters? 1 older brother (who gave me 1 sister in law and 1 niece), 1 younger brother
O. Oranges or Apples? Apples. I don’t like oranges. I can’t breath because the smell is too strong.
P. Phobias? The dark (I’m getting better) and heights (not getting better)
Q. Quotes? I have a movie quote for anytime, anyplace and for anything. I’m a movie quoting nerd. But I accept it and have embraced it.
R. Reasons to smile? Oh so many things. My amazing family and friends, my adorable niece, being alive, watching the leaves change colour….so many things but I must move on to letter “S”.
S. Season of choice? Autumn. I love the colours, the smells, the sounds…I love haunted corn mazes, hot chocolate, pumpkins, thanksgiving (which eventually leads to Christmas!), hearing the sound of the fire crackling, cuddling under warm blankets, wearing hoodies and sweatpants and slippers…the list goes on.
T. Tag 5 people: Tricia, Holly, Liv, Josh and Kristen - "You're it, quitsies!"
U. Unknown fact about me? I have many unknown facts. For example I have a heart shaped mole on the top of my left thigh
V. Vegetable? I like most veggies except onions, my mum always told me that when I grow up I’ll learn to love onions…sorry mum but I’m all growed up and I still hate onions…I’ll eat them if they’re soft and cooked in something but I hate the texture and taste…yuck.
W. Worst habit? Biting my nails is numero uno…can ADD be considered a bad habit (diagnosed my senior year of high school…thanks for taking so long to figure out it wasn’t just lazyness)? If so then that’s my number two pick.
X. X-ray or Ultrasound? I’ve had both a couple of times. I hate ultrasounds because you have to hold your pee for a really long time and then they push on your bladder…then again x-rays make you lie still which is difficult for me at times.
P.S. the ultrasounds were on my gallbladder, not my uterus.
Y. Your favorite food? Chinese anything…lo mein, potstickers, orange beef…mmmm…okay now I’m hungry. Dang.
Z. Zodiac sign? Leo. I don’t believe in horoscopes but they’re fun to read.

Picking Apples in 1986. I was two.