I have a few painful stories from my past (but who doesn't right?) that maybe one day I'll share with the blogger community and I have a million things I've done that I'm slightly ashamed of, okay well maybe not a million but pretty darn close I'm sure. But I truly honestly believe that everything happens for a reason. No matter how bad you felt after you did something use it to learn something and change that thing about yourself. If bad things were done to you, use your pain to help others and I think you'll find, as I did, that helping others will in turn, ease your pain.
So I guess that's the story behind my name, if that counts as a story. Regardless of all the crap we've done and all the crap that's been done to us, and despite the pain and unhappiness we may experience at times, or the loneliness we all feel at one time or another we still have so much to live for and so much still to experience.
It is a beautiful life, after all.
