Boo Bear is 18 years old, he's about 6 foot 4 inches and really strong (he can pick me up if that says anything about his strength) and he used to wrestle in high school and he plays rugby. Yet despite all of this I'm extremely protective of him. Even though he claims he's the body guard in our little group (of the two of us). It's funny but even though he's 18 and over 6 feet tall I still see him as that tiny (if you consider 9lbs 4oz at birth to be tiny), red-faced, screaming child that I used to cover with a blanket hoping he'd disappear.
It's funny to me how I'm the OLDER sister but he's the BIG brother. I find not so funny things funny.
I guess now I know what my parents are going through with three grown children, one being a husband and a father. I guess I understand it a little bit now when my mum says to me "oh I remember when you were that little" or "I remember when you used to wear this" (as she shows me your typical mid-80's outfit that resembles something Michelle Tanner wore in Full House). And now that I'm an Aunt I get to witness my niece grow from that tiny floppy newborn to a chubby, smiling, giggling, adorable little girl with a huge personality (she has her mothers patience and her fathers temper-not a good combo, at all). It truly is amazing, a miracle even.
So here's to all the fun times we've had together Boo Bear and to the millions more that have yet to come.

I took this photo of Boo Bear before his Senior Prom. It's one of my fave's.