Yes, I am sick. Ugh, I used to only get sick once a year and it was always in January. It's not even October and I'm already sick. I tried to sleep last night without taking any cold medicine (I hate taking medicine) but I was so miserable I caved in. So I took some Alka-Seltzer Cold medicine. Let me just tell you it is the most amazing stuff out there. I took two nighttime gelcaps and within 20 minutes I was out.
Have you ever slept so hard at night that you don't move at all and when you wake up your body hurts from staying in the same position for hours?
That was me last night.
It's a good thing I don't have a job at the moment because I had my alarm set but I didn't even hear it go off. I ended up sleeping until 11:30am. I woke up but didn't get out of bed until noon because I was so out of it still.
Next time I'll have to remember to take the cold medicine before 1am if I want to have a life the next day.
After I finally freed myself from my lovely bed I popped two more pills, the daytime Alka-Seltzer cold medicine and now I'm feeling just lovely.
Well as lovely as one can feel with a bad cold.
I have to coach in an hour and a half. I hope these meds stay in my system until then.
