My day started with a phone call from Big Brother asking me if I could come over and help him with EJ. He was not feeling well and needed to relax.
So I get to his house around 10:30am and I start playing with EJ while Big Brother tells me he is going to go take a bath (he hasn't taken a bath in over 10 years). So he grabs the space heater and heads to the bathroom.
15 minutes later I hear a crash come from the kitchen (their bathroom is off the kitchen). I figure BB must've just tripped on something and that was all. A few moments later I happen to peak around the corner (I'm sitting on the floor trying to get EJ to roll over) and see him lying half under the dining room table wearing only a pair of boxerbriefs. I thought maybe he dropped something or he was playing with Bruno (his Boxer)
I called his name and asked him what he was doing.
He didn't respond.
So I got up with EJ and walked over to him. He was lying on his side shaking and sweating.
I asked him if he was okay to see if he was conscious. He said he couldn't breathe.
So I put EJ in her exosaucer and got onto the floor. He grabbed my hand and wouldn't let go. He kept mumbling and gasping for air.
Finally I heard him say "call Laura!" (his wife). So I got up and called Laura. At this point I'm beginning to panick slightly (I'm really good at keeping my cool under pressure, so I learned today). All I told her was "Dan is on the floor and he says he can't breathe. I need you to come home! I don't know what to do.
I hung up and got back down on the floor. He started reaching for my hand again. He grabbed it and he was still saying "I can't breathe!". He was beginning to slur his words.
I told him to roll onto his back so he could breathe easier. Then his hands and toes started to cramp up and turn white. The colour in the tips of his fingers was gone and he was still sweating and struggling to breathe.
Then he said "CALL 911!".
I called and told the dispatcher what was happening.
Me: "Hi I need an ambulance at _____________. My older brother passed out and he says he can't breathe and his arms and legs are really tingly"
Dispatcher: "Okay, so is he awake now?"
Me: "Yea he's awake and he isn't breathing very well. He's struggling for air and he says his hands and feet are really numb and tingly"
Dispatcher: "Okay, how old is your brother and is he on any medication?"
Me: "Uh, he's 27 and no he's not on any medication. He's really healthy and hasn't had any health problems ever."
Dispatcher: "Okay, ma'am I'll send somebody out right now. What's your name?"
Me: "Jessica, thank you"
Dispatcher: "No problem"
Not even 20 seconds later I hear sirens. I put my hand on his chest and it feels like his heart is going to beat out of his chest. I begin crying a little at this point. My whole body is trembling and my voice is shaking. He asks me to run to the bathroom and get his sweats. I put on his pants for him and get back on the floor. I keep my hand on his bare chest to feel his heart and my other hand is holding his cramped up hand.
Then the fire department shows up and they start hooking him up to machines and checking his heart rate.
Laura arrives and is in tears which then causes me to tear up again. I tell her it's okay, that he's okay.
They tell him to start breathing slower and to take deep breaths. They check his heart rate and it's 158 (normal is 80 - 120). They get him to start breathing normal and his hands and toes start moving again.
They sit him up and tell him he probably just overheated because he was in a hot room, in a hot bath with no ventilation.
He's okay now. But damn, scariest day of my life. I thought he was having a seizure or something.
It's amazing how something like this really shows you how much you love someone. I couldn't imagine my life without my Big Brother. As much as we argue and how he sometimes frustrates the crap out of me! I love him to pieces and he's an amazing husband and dad. Oh and did I mention he's lost 100lbs in the last year (the EMT's said that had nothing to do with him passing out)! Talk about motivation!
I love you Big Brother! Don't you ever fecking scare me like that again! I don't know what I'd do without you!
So I get to his house around 10:30am and I start playing with EJ while Big Brother tells me he is going to go take a bath (he hasn't taken a bath in over 10 years). So he grabs the space heater and heads to the bathroom.
15 minutes later I hear a crash come from the kitchen (their bathroom is off the kitchen). I figure BB must've just tripped on something and that was all. A few moments later I happen to peak around the corner (I'm sitting on the floor trying to get EJ to roll over) and see him lying half under the dining room table wearing only a pair of boxerbriefs. I thought maybe he dropped something or he was playing with Bruno (his Boxer)
I called his name and asked him what he was doing.
He didn't respond.
So I got up with EJ and walked over to him. He was lying on his side shaking and sweating.
I asked him if he was okay to see if he was conscious. He said he couldn't breathe.
So I put EJ in her exosaucer and got onto the floor. He grabbed my hand and wouldn't let go. He kept mumbling and gasping for air.
Finally I heard him say "call Laura!" (his wife). So I got up and called Laura. At this point I'm beginning to panick slightly (I'm really good at keeping my cool under pressure, so I learned today). All I told her was "Dan is on the floor and he says he can't breathe. I need you to come home! I don't know what to do.
I hung up and got back down on the floor. He started reaching for my hand again. He grabbed it and he was still saying "I can't breathe!". He was beginning to slur his words.
I told him to roll onto his back so he could breathe easier. Then his hands and toes started to cramp up and turn white. The colour in the tips of his fingers was gone and he was still sweating and struggling to breathe.
Then he said "CALL 911!".
I called and told the dispatcher what was happening.
Me: "Hi I need an ambulance at _____________. My older brother passed out and he says he can't breathe and his arms and legs are really tingly"
Dispatcher: "Okay, so is he awake now?"
Me: "Yea he's awake and he isn't breathing very well. He's struggling for air and he says his hands and feet are really numb and tingly"
Dispatcher: "Okay, how old is your brother and is he on any medication?"
Me: "Uh, he's 27 and no he's not on any medication. He's really healthy and hasn't had any health problems ever."
Dispatcher: "Okay, ma'am I'll send somebody out right now. What's your name?"
Me: "Jessica, thank you"
Dispatcher: "No problem"
Not even 20 seconds later I hear sirens. I put my hand on his chest and it feels like his heart is going to beat out of his chest. I begin crying a little at this point. My whole body is trembling and my voice is shaking. He asks me to run to the bathroom and get his sweats. I put on his pants for him and get back on the floor. I keep my hand on his bare chest to feel his heart and my other hand is holding his cramped up hand.
Then the fire department shows up and they start hooking him up to machines and checking his heart rate.
Laura arrives and is in tears which then causes me to tear up again. I tell her it's okay, that he's okay.
They tell him to start breathing slower and to take deep breaths. They check his heart rate and it's 158 (normal is 80 - 120). They get him to start breathing normal and his hands and toes start moving again.
They sit him up and tell him he probably just overheated because he was in a hot room, in a hot bath with no ventilation.
He's okay now. But damn, scariest day of my life. I thought he was having a seizure or something.
It's amazing how something like this really shows you how much you love someone. I couldn't imagine my life without my Big Brother. As much as we argue and how he sometimes frustrates the crap out of me! I love him to pieces and he's an amazing husband and dad. Oh and did I mention he's lost 100lbs in the last year (the EMT's said that had nothing to do with him passing out)! Talk about motivation!
I love you Big Brother! Don't you ever fecking scare me like that again! I don't know what I'd do without you!
Dan (4) & Me (1) - Oct 1985
Me (almost 3) & Dan (almost 5) - Early Summer 1987
(In Australia) Dan (8) & Me (5) - Winter 1989