Thursday, October 9, 2008

Post 46: Him...

This is the post in which I tell you a little bit about Him. Him will now be referred to as, Mr. Incredible.

It suits him.

Mr. Incredible and I met in 7th grade. We went to Middle School together and we attended the same church. We weren’t really “friends” but we knew of each other and talked every now and then. I was going through some rough times (like everyone) in Middle School so I was pretty quiet and negative. We went to High School together, Graduated together, and talked a bit when we were both home for breaks.

I just saw him as a friend all those years, partly because I had a boyfriend in college (that I almost got engaged to!) and was over 3 hours away from home.

That all changed two years ago.

I had transferred colleges and was now about an hour away and so I came home more frequently. He came home a bit as well and so we saw each other on a more regular basis.

Then summer came. A bunch of us were home for the summer and so we hung out pretty much every weekend. It was great.

And I started to notice Mr. Incredible in a different way. He was everything I wasn’t. He made me want to be a better person. I found myself wanting to know more and more about him. I wanted to be with him all the time! He’s good friends with both of my brothers and so he would come over to my house and hang out with Boo Bear and I. Mostly we’d get pizza and a movie or two and just hang out. After the movie(s) were over he’d usually stick around for awhile and watch TV (he loved watching Rugby on TV and so if he was getting ready to leave I’d say “Oh, I bet there’s a Rugby game on!” So I’d find a game and he’d stay longer (smooth I know)).

Then he left.

For China! He decided he wanted to go teach English to college students in China! I was proud of him and happy that he was happy. My feelings for him were still new so I didn’t think anything of them. That was until after he left. As soon as he was gone I realized just how much I really missed him. I thought about him all the time.

Before I move on I must tell you that I’ve never been the type of girl who “Crushes” on guys. All of my past boyfriends have been the pursuers and so for me to pursue a guy is new territory. I’ve just never really been interested in any guy like this before.

Okay, now that that’s out of the way we can move on.

So I missed him for the entire 10 months he was gone and then June came and he was home. I was so excited (he has no idea that I like him at this point. Everyone else knows but him. I’m really good at hiding how I feel about someone. I’m not the giggly, nervous girl around a boy I like. I’m cool, calm and collected…for the most part…actually I’m just really quiet which is normal for me). Then I decided to tell my friend, we will call him Goatee (because he has one) who is really good friends with Mr. Incredible.

Then we went camping. Goatee and Mr. Incredible had a nice little fireside chat after everyone had gone to bed and they talked about life, China, and Me (I gave Goatee permission ahead of time). Goatee said his reaction didn’t determine anything other than the fact that he wasn’t repulsed by the idea of me liking him. So Goatee told me to go for it and tell Mr. Incredible how I really felt.

I did.

But I waited until the night before he left. I wrote Mr. Incredible a letter and put it in his mailbox (I texted him and told him I put a card with some money in it for the airport in his mailbox…he said thanks). In the letter I pretty much poured my heart and soul out to him (not in a scary way, my friends proofread it and said you could tell I was pouring out my heart and soul but not in a way to where he’d freak out).

I’m assuming he got my letter but I haven’t heard from him since that last text. Which is fine, I told him in the letter to take his time and really think about things.

T-Dawg says that him not contacting me right away is a good thing.

I agree.

I know Mr. Incredible well enough to know that he wouldn’t torture me or lead me on and so if it was a definite no he’d tell me ASAP.

So now I wait. And wait. And wait.

I miss him and think about him all the time. I’ve never felt this way about anyone before. Not about Mr. So Wrong (ex that I broke up with in March), not even about My. Almost FiancĂ©!


Any thoughts? Comments? Questions? Advice to give?