Today Mum got a call from Boo Bear. He was in the hospital in Mount Vernon. The reason. He decided to turn his back on dear old Rugby for a bit and play some football (I know I hate football too!). He has a seperated shoulder. Sounds bloody painful if you ask me.
I hope he's learned his lesson to leave football to the American pansey boys and stick with a real tough sport. RUGBY.
On a lighter note. The other day as Mum and I were driving home from our date in Dublin I was telling her about my friends on 20SB and all the funny stories they share. She then came up with a "brilliant idea for a television show!".
It would be sortof like Sex and the City (where she narrates with her blog at the end of the episode and her episode is about that blog) except it'd be about a girl who is a part of a blogging community (like 20SB), her life as well as the lives of her blogging friends.
A typical episode would start with the girl sitting at her computer reading a person's blog except instead of the camera staying with her as she's reading it would turn it's attention to the person in the blog she's reading and you'd get to see the blog post played out.
Can you picture what I'm trying to say?
Anyways, Mum was quite excited about this idea. She went on to talk about how you could have "bloggers from all over the world so you'd get to experience other culture's humour and dialogue and such".
Oh and by the way, I told Mum about your hilarious blog girl with the mask. She thinks you and your parents quite bloody hilarious as well.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
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