I haven't heard back from the two places I applied to yet. I wasn't expecting to today since I sent them on Friday afternoon.
I applied to another place today. It's a work-from-home job. It'd be perfect if I got that job. No commute = more money to save = the sooner I can move out!
I really don't mind living with the 'rents. They give me space (for the most part) and since I've moved downstairs I have much more "freedom". It's just that I'm 24 and really need to live on my own. I'm an independent person and so depending on them for shelter/food/etc is killing me.
Plus I don't want to go from living/depending on my parents to living with a husband. I think I really need that taste of independence first. That's just who I am.
However, I don't know if I'd want to live completely alone. I think I'd get too bored. I wish I had close friends nearby that weren't married (my single friends live in other states or with other people or are at home still).
Oh well. I'll try not too think about it too much.
I went shoe shopping last night and was successful. I was looking for open-toed shoes but they didn't really have any I liked or that fit (finding size 10 or 11 shoes is tough). So I pix messaged T-Dawg (the bride) and asked her if close toed shoes would work. She said they would. I got these two pairs. I figured I could wear them with pants too. (they were BOGO 1/2 off at Payless):
I hope they look okay with my dress. I haven't worn my dress since I tried it on at David's Bridal. This is what it looks like though except ours are in Chocolate brown, not yellow (sorry about the small pic):
So anyways. I'm excited to spend a few days with T-Dawg before her wedding. And I get to see K-Ten as well. It's going to be great. Just what I need (I'm getting cabin-fever).
I'll leave you with another video of EJ.