Monday, February 16, 2009

Post 87: It's been too long.

So it's been about 3 months since I've posted. So here's a quick update on my life:
  1. Got a job.
  2. Moved into an apartment.
  3. Bought a new laptop.
  4. Read Twilight.
  5. Fell in love with Edward Cullen.
  6. Accepted Facebook friend request of ex-boyfriend.
  7. Was told by said ex-boyfriend (excuse my French) "I really want to f*** you right now."
  8. Was told by same said ex-boyfriend that he wanted to get back together with me and that he was still in love with me.
That is why i don't stay friends with ex's.

What the hell was i thinking when i accepted his friend request?

Stupid Facebook.

Bloody fantastic.